Wednesday 22 April 2020

Desperate Southall and Nimer cling on.

It was interesting to hear Southall confirm on TalkSport radio yesterday that ESI did actually buy the club for £1 (he sounded so pleased with himself). Given what Duchatelet had said previously about the football club being a loss-making drain on finances, and that he would be prepared to sell the club for a pound that was probably understandable. I can now see the precise moment Matt Southall first eyed Charlton up.

What I really don't get though, is how Duchatelet can have left any cash in the club for Southall and Nimer to misappropriate. If they were acquiring the club for £1 I would have expected them to have to fund the club on an 'as is' basis from Day 1. It would appear there was a chunk of revenue left for day-to-day operational costs that Southall in particular was able to help himself to and to dole out in sweet contracting deals to his mates as part of the carve-up. Given Nimer hasn't put anything in and Southall didn't have a pot to piss in, it seems reasonable to assume they were spending Duchatelet's money intended to run the club for a number of months as part of the 'break even' plan this season. Our current impending Administration is arriving early therefore because of Southall's cash grab.

It was laughable to hear Southall's desperate attempt to get re-engaged by claiming to have wealthy investors ready to step-in, if Nimer will sell the club to them for £1. We can only imagine what sort of low-life conmen Southall has in tow now. Maybe he has offered Bassini a piece of the action having failed to use the club's cash to settle yet another 'consultancy' payment to another member of his gang. Whatever happens in the shakedown that is coming, Charlton supporters cannot accept Southall's engagement in any way at the club in future.

Indeed, I am hoping that the EFL misconduct investigation into Nimer and Southall concludes rapidly and that the consequences are harsh. I am hoping for the involvement of the police but we may have to be content with them being banned from football. The deadline for initial club response is 4pm today and it looks very much like Nimer may now have to acknowledge that he's lost his 65p. "I did everything I could but they are unwilling to let me complete the purchase" or words to that effect.

Nimer did say he is doing everything he can to try and satisfy the EFL but we have been hearing these platitudes since he turned-up and he has clearly failed. If he has the money, proving source of funds should not be difficult. The fact that he's not been able to do it suggests he either doesn't have the sort of money needed or that he can't prove it's his legitimately. Given EFL concerns about dual-ownership that should be a surprise to no-one, even Taynoon Nimer. There is also nothing to stop Nimer from having moved money into the club weeks ago after he had managed to get Southall away from the till. The fact that he hasn't and we are shortly to run out of cash speaks volumes. 

Both Southall and Nimer have presented well and both have been very convincing but when their guard has dropped we have seen what both of them are really like. The classless clip of Southall boasting about getting into someone's knickers because of his car and having bought his wife new tits was as revealing as Nimer's rant that Southall had spent "all the money on Range Rovers and Bitches." Southall actually had the brass-neck to quote Nimer on this yesterday and attempted to put himself above the quote by saying "Range Rovers and an unacceptable term for women..." Low-life.

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