Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Meire & Duchatelet exposed

The eminent WW1 historian, Clive Harris, talks about the conclusion to the war as a series of stunning and decisive battlefield victories which saw us climb out of the mud of Flanders and roll Jerry back.

The analogy here is not dissimilar to the stunning series of victories the Clubs protesting supporters have scored against Roland Duchatelet and the Vichy Regime of Katrien Meire. A decisive victory has yet to come but it can't be far off after today's email revelations....

This piece in the Mail reveals damning emails that expose the truth of Duchatelet's interference with Chris Powell's team selection and tactics within days of ownership. It also joins the dots on the Thomas Driesen affair and shows, yet again, that Katrien Meire has continued to lie in an effort deny the truth.

Anyone with a shred of personal integrity would have walked by now let alone have been deserving of the sack multiple times over. You have to wonder if perhaps Meire is actually related to Duchatelet. That's about the only plausible explanation for why he continues to let her crucify the business that was once Charlton Athletic as she washes away his investment in our club.

The club's response? "We dont comment on private emails." The equivalent of the bang-to-rights criminal's "no comment." Surely, there can be no Charlton fans left still defending the indefensible?


  1. I almost feel sorry for KM after this latest revelation.... I do however feel that we're being a bit naive if we think we're the only club that has had an owner who has meddled with team selection/signings. RD has been caught out with emails but I suspect owners/chief execs up and down the country are suggesting so and so gets a chance in the team, perhaps verbally to leave no trail of evidence.

  2. That makes it alright then?

  3. Actually while I loathe the RD/KM nightmare ticket with a passion, I just don't see this as much of a tipping point. So they lied repeatedly? Everyone except a2c knows that. I see Roland has come out and confirmed the emails (which is sweet as some Charlton fans were denying their authenticity) but claimed he had seen CP as not up to the job, and that Riga's subsequent results showed that to be the case. It's actually better when he and Meire talk, as on this occasion, our relegation to where we are now is actually a part of what RD seems to feel as replacing the useless Chris Powell with a selection of 'improved' replacements. There is also the ongoing claims by everyone at the club from may 2014 onwards that they have learned from their mistakes. Yet RD now says they weren't really mistakes at all.
    The conclusión is as ever, that these people are unfit for purpose. The sad thing is that there is no sign of them going. The only funny side is that we now have a CEO so useless the club are forced to gag her to prevent her perpetually falling into lies of her own creation, yet the owner, whose mouth is similarly beset with idiocy, refuses to offload her. Birds of a feather....

    Ken Shabby


Go on, you know you want to....