Saturday, 4 June 2011

The World passes Charlton by...

Yes, shortly after 2pm today The World slid past SE7 en route to her four day berth at Greenwich.
The World is the largest privately owned ship on Earth and contains 165 permanent residences. She is 644 feet long and has 12 decks. Studio apartments were going for £400,000 last year and the running cost is a mere £14,000 per month.

Apparently, every apartment comes with internet access. What, for just £14,000 a month? There must be some very strange people aboard this ship, although it looked like there were only half a dozen people home as it slid up the Thames.


  1. Stops in Bermuda for a couple of nights in October. 6 restaurants, one for each resident!

  2. Surely this boat is asking for a Louis Theroux style documentary!

  3. I saw this ship in Croatia but you couldn't get too close because of guards. It's all reminiscent of Jules Verne's Propeller Island.


Go on, you know you want to....