Monday 26 March 2012

Saddle Sore

I was out in the fantastic Spring sunshine yesterday for five and a quarter hours but have to say that I was under a lot of physical pressure for much of it. I had signed up to take part in the Stevenage Start of Summer cycle ride a couple of months ago and only fair to say that my well-thought out preparation was sadly lacking.

It was actually the first time I have been on my bike this year and 72 miles was probably a smidgeon too far. Only fair to add at this point that I am carrying a stone more timber than usual at this time of year and that my idea of foregoing breakfast was, with hindsight, not a good one. As we hit a modest hill in Essex at around 30 miles, I suddenly found it very hard going and ended up in first gear - unheard of for me. Even that was hard going and I actually suspected I had a puncture! I limped on to the half-way mark but was very worried I would not be able to finish. As it's a circular route, with no support vehicle, the prospect of being left behind wasn't an appealing one. 

After a cup of tea and a toasted teacake in a lovely tea shop, it was back on the bike and I felt better for another ten miles or so before again dreading every incline. My normal routes down into Kent provide far bigger hills than these and I normally have no trouble but this was torture (enjoy Pete). I finally made it back to my car and enjoyed the drive home but I was as shattered as I can remember feeling.

I was worried about how I would feel this morning but pleased to report surprisingly good, although it's usually the second and third days when the stiffness sets in. I will keep you posted. In the meantime the prospect of a routine Sunday 40 miler seems appealing although I will worry about the hills until I have conquered them again....

1 comment:

Go on, you know you want to....